Monday, April 13, 2009

You know one of those days when everything seems to be going wrong?

--> I'm failing a class I'm supposed to be passing, like really! 

--> My CRACKBERRY has proved to be as abusive as they come. True to its nature, it has deleted ALL my call logs, texts, BBM convos, facebook notifications, ALL! 

--> I'm still trying to sort out my Summer plans, the one thing I really want to do might not work out as planned, I HAVEN'T SEEN MY BEST FRIEND SINCE APRIL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! 

--> Most of my friends are busy; okay that's unfair, they are all going through different things, from being in Nigeria for Easter break w terrible Internet access, to boy issues to Finals, but still...!

--> I find it harder and harder to study everyday

--> I am going through financial woes, honest!

--> I have a cold, I have a cough, when I wake up I can barely breathe and my chest hurts, the weather is okay but I'm still cold, and No, I am not taking medicine, I self-medicate thank you very much.

--> I want a bf :(
Like not particularly for all the physical stuff, but someone to buy me a teddy and a bracelet, that's all I want! I wouldn't know how to take care of flowers, they would just die, and seeing as I haven't kept to my April Resolution, I would not really accept chocolate. But I digress, bottom line, I miss having a bf! It's been a while since my last official one, they've just been random people. And maybe I'm picky, aren't we all?
But Mr Right will soon stop getting prayers from me, because he is taking his damn time! :(

--> Okay, I'm done.
Well not really, but I think I'm just going to listen to music and study for the next hour and hope I can count my blessings instead of being a sad bunny.

Like EASTER + our risen Lord + the joy of Family

xxx's and Jesus loves you!