Monday, May 4, 2009

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Today I looked in the mirror and I felt beautiful.
Yesterday I looked in the mirror and I felt average.
The week before I looked in the mirror and I felt fat.
Eyes, make up your mind.

Dear Diary,
Today I read my friend's email about her new boyfriend yet I felt content.
Yesterday I endured through a couple making out behind me in the library and I felt lonely.
The week before I finally got the attention of this guy I think is cute but I could not care less, I was high on Jesus.
Emotions, make up your mind.

Dear Diary,
A month ago I tried to delete some of my secular music...I only went as far as the rap/pretty boy artists who I never really liked either way and/or only talked about getting some.
All week I've been soaking in my Gospel music and getting rid of those songs that did not uplift my soul, and I'd never felt better.
Today I was bored and needed some new music...and I went back to some of the old Beyonce.
Ears, make up your mind.

Dear Diary,
In January I finally found a group of friends to hang out w in school and I felt accepted.
Over the weekend I couldn't make it to one of their birthday dinners and I felt ostracized
Today I got an 'I love you' text from one of them and every past feeling faded away.
Heart, make up your mind.

Dear Diary,
A week ago I told friend A what the Holy Spirit had begun in my life, she was pleasantly shocked.
A few days later I told friend B...she did not believe...I felt like a little girl who had just been told the tooth fairy did not exist...crushed.
A few hours later, the Spirit and I won back a soul for Christ...and I talked to another friend who is going through the same changes as I am...I felt ecstatic!
Holy Spirit, stay stay STAY! :)

Dear Diary,
Last semester I failed two classes BUT I had an 'excuse' for the 'rents...they did not send me back to a school in Nigeria *phew*
This semester I have secured 2 As...reason to be grateful
But today I turned in a paper that I dontwannatalkabout...and I have a final tomorrow I'm hardly ready for.
So brain, enthusiasm and determination, WAKE UP!

xxx's and Jesus loves you
A month ago


bob-ij said...

Don't worry hun!... Our bodies and minds can't decide on what to be...Trust. Things will be perfect!


Buttercup said...

awwwww i love how this was written..

i've tried leaving a comment here before but cudnt, thank God u sorted it out!

Lolia said...

Hello you can like to come back to Blogger. Okaythanksbye.

Roc said...

How did the exam go?

Lol @ "Ears make up your mind"