Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bad hair Day...or week!

Am I the only one that hates moving out forward slash unpacking and repacking?
My parents are in Nigeria so before they left I chose their room as my summer joint before my brother or sister could choose it. As I speak my stuff is everywhere! Heels on the shoe rack, dresses hanging, tops in the drawer, make up and jewelry on the dresser, novels and Bible on the bed stand, plus the usual odds and ends.
Now we have a family coming over for a week or so and I have been given marching orders!!
Time to move back into the girls' room w more clothes than our tiny wardrobe can fit. I don't even know where to start from!!!
So before any of my sisters figure out what I am up to, I'm off to give away any clothes I haven't seen them wear in the past 2 summers! Salvation army here I come! Woooo!

On another note, my hair is a hot mess and I need suggestions!!! There's a wedding this Saturday and my only day off work is Friday so someone please tell me what to do before then! I think I want to go w a wavy weave. Something daring before I have to move into school next week and something a little bit sexy yet not too over the top for the wedding. *sassy and sweet* Lol!
Have a blessed week!
Oh before I forget, I just found out that my scholarship this year is so much more than last year's! Whoever said miracles don't exist clearly doesn't know my God!!!! Now my Daddy can stop having sleepless nights! Hahaa! :D
Okay done rambling!

xxx's and Jesus loves you!


Good Naija Girl said...

Thank God for the scholarship! You did your own part to make that happen so kudos to you, girl!

I too hate moving..I'm still trying to unpack from my move that I did in April. Good luck with the clothing you're going through and giving away. You might want to keep a few clothing items that are "maybes" off to the side so your sisters don't kill you when they can't find it!

Your plan for the hair sounds good to me (but keep in mind I wear my relaxed hair in a bun most days).

48 said...

Goodness, I'm so happy your dad can finally stop having sleepless nights too; I'm a weirdo I know but I also kno what it's like to worry about your parents worrying about taking care of business. Thank God.

On the hair tip, if your hair is permed I'd suggest one of those clip-in extensions - easy, breezy. The ease associated with those things is tempting me to go perm my hair so I can rock them too.

Buttercup said...

Lol! Wow, your sisters are gonna kill you..hehehe! The wavy weave sounds like a good idea. I wanna do curly braids. Aww congrats on your scholarship..lucky you!

Princess said...

@Good Naija Girl: April? Haha! Good luck w that! :)
I texted my parents w the good news and my mum thought I meant they had to pay more money so in her words "I was wondering why you put a smiley face in your text, what is the good
news there?" LOL! But thanks dear! :D

@48: Ooooh d'u mean like those half weaves or whatever they are called? Cuz that's what I decided on!! Bought one at a beauty store yesterday. Very convenient AND affordable! Thanks!
And yes, he can breathe easy now!

@Buttercup: Most likely...hopefully they'll thank me eventually! Hehehe! I was going to do curly braids and might actually still stick w that. As you can tell, I am confused!! Lol. Thank you love!


bob-ij said...

HAHAHA I'm so so telling...consider yourself casted Lol But maybe I should do that. My aunt does it all the time. But I'm way too lazy to even pack it up. Good luck packing your things,...wouldn't want to be you!!
