Thursday, February 11, 2010

Conference + Filtering

Hi guys!
Sorry I haven't blogged in a bit. I started two separate posts on Love and Patience, but, well, I got side tracked! I'll definitely get to those asap. In the mean time, we've been snowed in since last weekend. At first it was fun with no school and all, now I'm just tired o jare. Now all the school work slated for this week will be moved to next week. Bring on the all nighters. *sigh
On a brighter note, I'm sooo excited for this weekend. Have a conference I've been looking forward to since forever and it starts Friday. I really can't wait. I NEED to be filled anew by the Holy Spirit. Need some of that new anointing and fire =)
If you're snowed in, be safe and don't go outside unless you have to (I sound like my Dad, lol)
Also an idle man is the devil's workshop, so use your time wisely but most importantly, remember to filter what you take in. I realized that these days I visit celebrity gossip websites/blogs a bit too much. Not even just those but the news for instance. I read the news A LOT. Sometimes though I spend too long on a particular website reading everything. Yes, I believe that no knowledge is ever wasted, but when all of this information overload replaces the Bible verses I learnt as a child and all that good stuff, then we have a problem.
1 Corinthians 10:23 says --> Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Another version puts it this way, "All things are lawful, but not all things are expedient".
So be careful little eyes what you see, ears what you hear, mouth what you say, hands what you touch, (you get the point), for your Father up in heaven is looking down on you.
Love xxx


Myne said...

Thanks for sharing this, have a good weekend too.

ee said...

I was also snowed in..felt good for a couple of days..afterwards,am like"Mothernature,pls forgive us"
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Princess said...

@Myne Thanks for stopping by! Have a good week :)

@Kabi-Osi Same here!! After a while I was like please who vexed you now? What's with all this snow? LOL