Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st!
It's a New Day!
It's a New Month!
There are New blessings...and new resolutions.
So I've stopped believing in new year resolutions so much because the enthusiasm and drive to stick to them usually withers after a few weeks or months.
I woke up this morning at 6.30am (*gasp*...don't ask, I don't know how either) and decided to go to the gym because I felt bad. I was supposed to go the night before but I slept off *shy face*
ANWYAY yesterday I had a conversation with one of my friends about anorexia and the desire we have for weight loss (same old, same old). So I decided to get on the scale because, in her own words, "need to get numbers/figures down to like help the process". Olodo that I am, I assumed the scale was for everyone so I stepped on it this morning, 'to get numbers down'.
I can swear I almost woke my roommate up w the sharp intake of breath!
Ohmigosh! *in total Paris-Hilton-speak*
I would swear if I did but since I don't I can only scream yepa!
Yes, the journey to lose weight has begun (again). I shall go to the gym at least 5 times a week...SO HELP ME GOD!
Please remove your judgmental eyes, this is not a far fetched goal as I already exercise at least twice a week (in cardio class) and roughly twice on my own in the gym.
No, this isn't because I want to be model skinny, I am far from being fat. I just want the old days back! It's not wrong to want to be a fittie, non?

xxx's~Happy Gyming~and Jesus loves you!